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Mira Markovic
B.App.Soc.Sci (Counselling)
ACC Reg. Sensitive Claims


Sarah Baldwin
B.App.Soc.Sci (Counselling)
ACC Reg. Sensitive Claims

You are the creator of your life's journey. My role is to help you access the emotional tools to achieve the future that you desire and navigate the challenges you may have along the way. My goal is to create a safe space where you can discover your inner strengths and find peace with yourself and in your life. I utilise a variety of  therapy techniques to support you in the quest for emotional well being. I am registered with ACC to provide ACC funded counselling for survivors of sexual abuse and sexual trauma. Please email for more details.



In our sessions together we will be exploring new ways to overcome barriers, enhance and develop your personal strengths and find strategies for you to ultimately achieve your goals. It is my passion to help my clients on their journey to leading more fulfilling and abundant lives. I am registered with ACC to provide ACC funded counselling for survivors of sexual abuse and sexual trauma. Please email me for more details.


“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”


Mahatma Gandhi


Nelson Counselling Support

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